Randolph Township Historical Society


Who We Are:

The Randolph Township Historical Society, Inc. was founded on January 14, 1998, shortly after the merger of the unincorporated parts of Randolph Township, Montgomery County, Ohio with the municipality of Clayton, Ohio.

Where We Came From:

Randolph Township was formed from Elizabeth Township in 1804. The settlement of the area took place in two migrations, the first by river boat through Cincinnati in the early 1800s. Settlers first to arrive were Quakers from Randolph County, North Carolina led by Daniel Hoover and David Mast and Mennonites and Brethren from Pennsylvania led by the Warner, Rasor, Herr and Brumbaugh families. The second wave began after the National Road had reached the township in 1838 and brought mainly German Baptist families over-land from Pennsylvania. A township government existed from at least 1810 until January 1998 when rural parts of the township merged with the Village of Clayton.

The township no longer exists as a governing unit but has been replaced by the city governments of Clayton, Englewood, and Union. The boundaries of the old township are the Stillwater River on the east, Westbrook Road on the south, and Diamond Mill Road on the west, and County Line Road on the north. The township sill exists for survey records purposes.


The Randolph Township Historical Society exists:

  • to bring together those persons with an interest in the history of Randolph Township, Montgomery County, Ohio as it was originally established in 1804 and as it continues today within the boundaries of the cities of Clayton, Englewood, and Union, Ohio.

  • to foster the discovery, collection and preservation of all materials that illustrate or help to establish the rich and varied cultural history of our community, its settlement, residents, development, activities, and progress.

  • to disseminate historical information about the community through special programs and events that promote public understanding and interest in the area's past and present.
Vice President
Recording Secretary
Operations Director
Dave Evans
Craig Falknor
Kay Dawson
Kathy Allen
Kristina Balside
Board of Directors
Teresa Greer
Ron Papp
Jeffrey Harding
Andrew Smith
Wilma Schroeder
Monty Mercer
© 2025   Randolph Township Historical Society
All rights reserved.
Randolph Township Historical Society
114 Valleyview Drive
Englewood, OH 45322
Email: info@rths.org

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