Randolph Township Historical Society Support

Membership and Support

Your membership is extremely important to keeping the heritage and history of Randolph Township in our community. Funds received provide care and maintenance of the History Center and quality programming and events that are free and open to the public. Funds allow school children and reunion groups to visit the Center and discover the history of Union, Englewood and Clayton, as well as the towns formerly named Harrisburg, Jamtown and Salem. And, funds allow for acquisition of exhibition material, keeping our artifacts visible and on display.

Please consider becoming a member or giving your support with a donation. Your funds stay local and support the preservation of Randolph Township: it's people, heritage and history.


The Baby Boomer Years Book

The years of the Baby Boomers--from the end of World War II until 1964 were an interesting time for our area, and across the country. If you or a family member were born during this time, this book will bring back memories! Purchase as a great little Holiday gift!!!

We are having a second printing done of our "The Baby Boomer Years Book". They are being sold for $5 cash or check at the History Center, or $5 plus $2 for shipping if you would like one mailed to you. There are also forms on the most recent newsletter you can mail in to order.


The Historical Society welcomes donations of artifacts, books, diaries, memorabilia, etc., pertaining to the cities, businesses, schools, organizations, clubs, people, etc., in the Randolph Township area including the cities of Union, Clayton and Salem, and Englewood, Harrisburg and Jamestown.

We are actively seeking memorabilia pertaining to military service from the men and women in the area who have served their country, active or reserve. Please call us at 937-832-8538 or email info@rths.org to discuss your donation.

Kroger Community Rewards Program
The Kroger Community Rewards Program is available. Learn how it works here.

Randolph Township Historical Society Donation Form - Download here.

A donation to the Randolph Township Historical Society will assist in:

  • acquiring new artifacts concerning the township and its cities
  • displaying artifacts with written histories and other memorabilia
  • maintaining the History Center that is free and open to the public

Your support is needed and much appreciated!

Please support our Corporate Sponsors and thank them for supporting the Historical Society

Corporate Sponsors

Carra Builders Commercial Construction Co.
Kindred Funeral Home
City of Clayton
Landes Meats
Boord Henne Insurance
City of Englewood

Wagoner Power Equipment



We would like to recognize our Lifetime, Sponoring and Sustaining Members

Lifetime Members

 Doug  Allen 
 Lynn  App 
 John P. Applegate 
 Sharon L. Applegate 
 Keith  Aukerman 
 Maureen  Aukerman 
 Marilyn M. Baker 
 Doug  Balsbaugh 
 Nancy H. Beckman 
 Elmer  Bergman Jr.
 Jean  Bergman 
 Sherry  Boland 
 Wendy  Boucuvalas 
 Patricia  Burnside 
 Loren K. Butterbaugh 
 David  Christian 
 Betsy  Clapp 
 Bradley  Clapp 
 John  Combs 
 Computer Support Services
 Joeanne  Conners 
 Norene  Craddick 
 Larry G. Crowell 
 Joyce  Deitering 
 Margie  Deitering 
 Floyd R. Denlinger 
 Glenna M. Dohner 
 Beverly  Drusen 
 Karen  Early 
 Thomas  Early 
 Thomas  Eastridge 
 James H. Eidemiller 
 David  Evans 
 Craig  Falknor 
 Robert  Frantz 
 Shirley  Garreth 
 Roger  Garwood 
 Mary  Geiger 
 Tim  Gorman 
Capt. David  Gray 
 Verla June Green 
 Ted  Gudorf 
 Christina Leone Haas 
 Beth  Hess 
 Robert  Hine 
 Miriam A. Hock 
 Sam  Hoke 
 June F. Hollman 
 David K. Holzapfel 
 Angelina M. Hoschouer 
 Brenda  Hutzel 
 Don  Imbus 
 Ron  Kidwell 
 Jean  Kyle 
 Glen R. Landes 
 P. Galen Lenhert 
 Robert O. Lodge 
 Steve  Lodge 
 Gale T. Mabry 
Col. Owen Y. Macy 
 David E. Macy 
 Maureen  Majerus 
 Rodney  Malott 
 Glynn  Marsh 
 Jim  Marshall 
 Heidi  Martin 
 Joyce A. Martin 
 Maryann  Mehaffie 
 Monty  Mercer 
 Mary Lou Miller 
 Jane L. Morgan 
 Mitzi  Palmer 
 Phyllis  Pence 
 Robin  Perkins 
 Robert  Peters 
 Richard  Price 
 Ivan C. Rike 
 Sandra  Roe 
 Graham L. Rogers 
 Steve  Roth 
 Wilma  Schroeder 
 Jane  Schwaiger 
 Marilyn Durst Schwinn 
 Eric  Smith 
 Janet  Stahl 
 Jeff  Stose 
 Michael K. Stout 
 Jayne  Strain 
 James D. Studebaker 
 Lana  Studebaker 
 Anne  Talafous 
 Martha Craig Taulbee 
 Albert  Teague 
 Betty S. Terry 
 Margie  Theibert 
 Kathleen  Tuason 
 Howard  Ullery 
 Kenton W. Ulrich 
 David  Voyls 
 Sandra  Voyls 
 Sharon  Walker 
 Brian  Warner 
 Richard  Weimer 
 Doris  West 
 Jack  West 
 Shirley A. Whiting 
 John P. Whitman 
 Hidreth  Wilson 
 Tina   Witters 
 Jon  Witty 

Sponsoring Members

 Jason  Antkoviak 

Sustaining Members

 Jackie  Allen 
 Mark  Allen 
 Barbara  Benson 
 Susan  Evans 
 Clifford  Humphrey 
 Inge  Pierce 
 Keith  Raddick 
 Catherine  Springer 

© 2025   Randolph Township Historical Society
All rights reserved.
Randolph Township Historical Society
114 Valleyview Drive
Englewood, OH 45322
Email: info@rths.org

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